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opportunity at Analvids

Will has been having issues with his wife for the past couple of months. At first, he thought maybe she was just wasn’t interested in sex, but quickly turned to thought of infidelity once he found some risqué text from a unknown party. When she went on a trip to Prague, he followed her and even hired a private investigator to see what she was up to. What was discovered shocked him to the core. She had been doing gangbangs behind his back! Even going as far as double anal in some cases. Distraught at the revelation, Will asked the sexy private investigator, Giada, if maybe he can find someone to relieve his stress on. Someone who is as depraved a slut as his soon to be ex-wife. Giada steps up to the opportunity and tells Will she would love to let him take out his frustration on her. At first, he is a bit dominating with her. He fucks her face and makes her drool all over the place. Then he sticks it in her tight little asshole while informing her it will be anal only from here on out.

  • 00:21:55
  • Apr 23, 2023
  • 480


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