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naughty nurse and the needle dick! at Analvids

Today we welcome you into world of the incredibly mouth-watering, deviant nurse Linet. A DDF favorite, and understandably why. She gifts us with this twisted Taboo set which takes place in a clinic while she s on duty. Ever wonder what those naughty nurses are up too on a lonely night shift? Wonder no more!The Czech goddess has an itch that only a well lubed, metal instrument with a ridiculously pointy tip can scratch. Almost like a needle dick! She puts it in her pussy and makes us wonder, if she s into needle dicks, there must be plenty of volunteers out there, no need to injure your self Linet. It s basically a metal syringe filled with lube. Her beautiful heart shaped ass is propped up in doggy with amazingly vivid close ups, and after warming her bung hole up with a couple of fingers, the syringe goes deep in her ass for a good fucking. She positions herself in multiple dick stiffening ways and the room is filled with her horny cries as she fucks her tight, oil slicked ass to a completely draining orgasm for us. Then she lays there in complete ecstasy happy as can be!

  • 00:24:01
  • Mar 19, 2012
  • 235


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