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busty teacher kitana lure bends over for dp pounding from colleagues gp2666 at Analvids

Big boobed Kitana Lure is in the locker room at her college and feels so horny that she can t keep her hands off herself while getting dressed for her next lesson! She takes some time to caress her big tits and masturbates before sliding a glass dildo into her eager pussy. Kitana heads into the classroom and distracts her colleague Yanick with her revealing outfit. Before long, Kitana is leaning back on his desk while Yanick licks her pussy. She gets her pussy pounded and is sucking his big shaft when the academy principal, Mr Perry catches them. He beckons them into his office to discipline them and Kitana uses her sexual charms to get out of trouble. She treats them both to a blowjob and bends over for a DP fucking, just in time before her students arrive!

  • 01:13:17
  • May 17, 2023
  • 2085


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