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submitting to double penetration at Analvids

Russian blonde beauty Gina is in for a nice kinky surprise in today s DDF Network 4K BDSM premium porn video when her man David Perry takes her to meet Master Yanick Shaft. What started as an innocent date ends up with Gina learning how to be a well trained submissive slut. The glamour pornstar gets blindfolded, ball gagged, and submits like a good girl to double penetration by her two Masters David Perry and Yanick Shaftin in this action packed House of Taboo threesome hardcore fetish scene.Gina gets out of her street clothes and into a sexy black leather slave girl outfit, with a garter belt, thigh high stockings, and black high heels to complete the look. As her masters arrive, she obediently gets on her knees to proceed in multidick sucking. Then its on her knees she goes to get blindfolded, and give a blowjob to one while another whips her curvy ass from behind. The excitement of not knowing how is doing what gets her beyond horny and wanting more. So into her ass goes in a vibrat

  • 00:25:43
  • Mar 11, 2019
  • 680


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