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two hot gym guys fuck hard at Analvids

In this weeks Out In Public update I m chilling with my home boy who is this work out freak dude is jacked! so were about to go do our thing and he tells me that he has everything worked out already but that we need to go back to his gym to pick up his BFF im like yo we need random ppl from the streets but he was very persistant and I said the hell with it lets go get em, when I get there this big diesel dude on the bikes waiting for my friend. The guy was all into my boy you can tell so they start getting it on right infront of everyone dead center in the middle of the gym lol it was crazy and my boy got his guy and loved every second of the pounding. Stay tuned!

  • 00:20:06
  • Mar 08, 2012
  • 110


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