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hot porn-star lesbians love sex toys at Analvids

I meet up with two of the hottest girls in the industry, Eva Cummings and Tricia Oaks, for a demonstration of how to use the hottest and kinkiest toys out there. I first started with Eva, and Tricia started touching her and then playing with her ass. We had a mechanical dildo that rotated and a three ball string. Eva put the three ball strings in her ass and then started masturbating with the dildo. Is a scene you can t miss. But this was the first time Eva was experimenting with her ass, so then she came back a week later, with a whole new look, and also with more practice in the field. She gave me a private demonstration of playing with the toys but this time, she got so horny that she came in front of the cameras. So check it out! Cause this is a very sexy episode.

  • 00:27:27
  • Nov 21, 2013
  • 128


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