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trans nurse and her assistant double team a lucky patient dt778 at Analvids

Nataly is a stunning, raven-haired, tattooed, transsexual siren, with a firm, fit womanly body, and a nice, beefy tongue depressor. In this scene, Nataly is playing a nurse, who helps a couple in need of her special in-depth healing. Once on her examination bed, she gets the man rock hard and invites the woman to ride him in cowgirl, while she feeds him her savory sausage, fucking his mouth, with aplomb, but being generous, she allows the woman wantonly humping her man to hungrily suck her sweetmeat stick, as moans ecstatically. Nataly then vehemently fucks the woman, as she crouches in doggie atop her man, moaning, and howling, with unchained, passions. Kicking it up a notch, Nataly goes up and over to brutishly pound her beef baton into the girl’s ass, as she bellows, and bawls, in depraved jubilation. Giving them her all, she barbarously drills her sweet salami into his ass, while he lies in missionary, with his girl sitting on his face, as the room is filled with their rhapsodic mo

  • 00:40:18
  • Jul 20, 2023
  • 322


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