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the hotel manager with jason collins! at Analvids

Since the gyms have been closed because of the quarantine I have been on the lookout for hotels that have gyms that are still open. Today I found a hotel whos gym was open and after a bit of flirting with the manager, he agreed to give me a private tour of the gym and a room for good measure! Includes lots of kissing, making out, body contact, him massaging me, him blowing me, fucking him at the edge of the bed on his stomach and on his back, doggy, him riding me, on his stomach, on his side, and missionary.
Tags : anal, blowjob, tattoo, chubby, hairy, kissing, gay, bodybuilder, muscle, dom, daddy, bear, uncut, big-dick, alpha, huge-cock, bwc, muscle-worship, jason-collins, masculinejason

  • 00:41:59
  • Mar 09, 2022
  • 45


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