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vibrational therapy: lesbian chicks spoil their clits at Analvids

If you re a fan of erotic college porn then today is your day! Lullu Gun heads to the massage parlor after a tough day of mid-term exams in this lesbian porn scene to be pampered by her favorite therapist, Cecilia Scott who always gives her just the right pleasureful touch.Cecilia, the blonde Hungarian masseuse lays her German client out on the table and gets hands on right away, undressing her down to just her lingerie revealing her slim petite frame. As she oils her client down, slipping her hands over all of her curves, she finds herself feeling dewy and lubed too, in her nether region.Both babes find each other so turned on that titty play and French kissing are inevitable, and more naughtiness inevitably follows that. If you don t enjoy watching two hotties mounting each other in 69, indulging their anal senses with ass licking, and pleasuring their eager shaved pussies with a shared vibrator then this scene isn t for you. But we re guessing you do, so we suggest you not miss these two beauties entertaining their pussy insertion and sexual infatuation!

  • 00:24:43
  • Apr 22, 2017
  • 363


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