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submissive human pet - anal fisting and peeing for a treat at Analvids

Rose Valerie is a submissive human pet. The brown-eyed babe with enhanced tits and red hair plays the human dog of Choky Ice in todays fetish role play. Choky just got a new human pet and takes this afternoon off to educate that submissive French beauty. She needs some serious spanking and so he decides to smash her tiny curvy butt cheeks with his bare hand! Her nipples get hard and she cant get enough of that sensation. Time for some cock sucking! She swallows that dong down her deep throat and makes her shaved pussy gape before peeing on the hardwood floor. What a mess shes created! Choky makes her lick her golden shower stains from the floor before banging her right asshole with his thick prick. He fucks her in standing sex position and walks her on the black leather leash around the room. Good job! Time for some anal fisting for another treat! He crams her butthole with his fist and feeds her his hand before making her lick up her juice while he fucks her ass again. Finally, she

  • 00:41:36
  • Jul 22, 2016
  • 508


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