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tongue tied titty twins - a lustful lesbian reunion at Analvids

Woza, Kari and Sindy Black are getting super sexual together on today s Euro Girls on Girls! And the two titty twins are all about that tonguing and licking action, from their lips to their clits, so get ready to tune in and get turned on!Since these babes have been apart for some time they re preparing a steamy reunion to rekindle their once fiery lesbian love affair. Both are looking sophisticated, sexy, and irresistible in their booty shorts and high heel pumps, and they immediately begin to re-explore their sexual longing for each other. Some delicate French kissing warms these two slim Czech lovers up, and soon their tongues will be seen tangoing all over their bodies from head to toe.The pussy play gets underway when the horny girlfriends try out a couple of their favorite old pleasure triggers; fingering, ass licking, and pussy eating. Kari also gets some face sitting action when she straddles her friends face to get her pink licked from underneath.These curvy ass d friends both get the orgasm they ve been missing, and you don t want to miss seeing it!

  • 00:18:58
  • Jul 30, 2016
  • 202


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