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chinese party girl picked up for anal - jesse thai at Analvids

Happy Chinese New Year! I was out partying with my friends all night to celebrate the holiday. On my way home, I got lost looking for a toilet. I’m so lucky that a nice man offered to help me and let me come to his apartment. I’m wearing a cute new slutty outfit. High heels, a super short skirt, no panties, and a butt plug. We walk together, and I show off my butt plug. At his apartment, I pee loudly before wondering aloud how I can thank him.

When I party, I get really horny and I notice the bulge in his pants right away. I needed to thank him for not taking advantage of me, so I pulled his cock out for a taste. It’s too yummy, and I really need more. Flipping over to the missionary position, I beg him to pull out my butt plug and fuck my ass. I talk about the party and all that different guys that fucked me already today.

Changing to anal in the doggy position. He starts getting rougher with me, and I beg him to spank me. Back to the missionary position, I hold my high

  • 00:24:11
  • Jan 02, 2022
  • 54


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