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sequel to sissy slut middle east hotel adventure – ejaculation in a tight condom on the hotel balcony at Analvids

This is sequel to first episode of my business trip to Egypt. Of course, after three days of a stay in the hotel where is nothing to do in the evening alone, I had only one constant desire to pour out the accumulated sperm. I love to do it beautifully, so I could not deny myself the pleasure of being a Sissy Slut. I always take beautiful lingerie with me on business trips. First, I was faced with the choice of what to wear. In the previous episode I pegged myself in the shower. Well, then, taking off my wet underwear, I changed clothes to ejaculate on the balcony overlooking the sea.
Good expensive lingerie and open space made me very excited and my dick was hard enough. I put on a condom so that I wouldn t have to wipe the entire balcony later and cup up gorgeous in a tight condom, in a garter belt, nylon stockings and a nude bodysuit over everything so that it was not very clear what I was wearing if someone accidentally saw from the other balcony. In general, I was completely sat

  • 00:32:53
  • Jul 08, 2023
  • 7


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