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fitting, ripping, fucking - lesbian foot sex lovers exposed at Analvids

Roxi Keogh is in her shoe fitting room when she discovers a run her stocking, caused by one of those fancy high heels. The lesbian foot sex lover is furious about this issue when suddenly her roommate Kayla Green walks in and calms her down with a gentle foot massage. Then, she rips apart that black nylon and immediately kisses Roxi on her lips. The redhead likes the Hungarian tongue in her mouth and lets the Hungarian milf do her thing. Kayla grabs her ass and sticks her face between her butt cheeks for some ass and pussy licking. The lesbian couple transitions to serious masturbating, when Roxi starts playing with the blonde’s sexy toes. With her legs spread wide open, she crams her mouth with that big toe and keeps sucking her girlfriend’s sole while fingering her twat. Time for some toe in pussy penetration! Today’s Hot Legs & Feet scene heats up when the two tattooed beauties suck each other’s toes while sticking their toes deep into their cunnies. After that nylon is ripped apart, they find a new and even fancier pair of pink high heels which they insert into their wet boxes after licking those heels!

  • 00:30:30
  • Apr 10, 2016
  • 246


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