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glasses off, ass up! at Analvids

Mea Melone is laying around on her bed in a t-shirt, exceptionally cute panties, headphones and over-sized glasses when her boyfriend Markus Dupree comes in to distract her from her music listening and magazine reading. He likes to see this wild girl blowing him while she’s wearing her glasses, because she looks brainy and slutty at the same time. She gobbles his dick in her mouth and then bites the pillow to take it in her snatch doggie style, her glasses still firmly on her face. Mea gives Markus some balls licking and then rides him cowgirl style as he sucks her scrumptious 34A boobs. Then she has him stand over her on the bed so she can get back to lapping at his nuts. For a change of pace he takes off her glasses and then her ass comes into play as Markus stuffs her dark gape with his big dick. Glasses come off, ass goes up? Maybe there’s a connection! Still, when it’s time to cum, Markus puts her glasses back onto her pretty face. Then the lenses, as well as her face, make perfect targets for his sperm in this hardcore XXX video packed with anal porn and so much more!

  • 00:33:19
  • Feb 02, 2015
  • 1334


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