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the xxxcellent assistant at Analvids

Who wouldn’t want an assistant like PussyKat from France, also known as our 2014 Hardcore Sex Goddess? She’s hot to look at in her little black dress and black skyscraper high heel pumps, and she knows how to take care of her boss--first with a little massage, then with some dick sucking and face-sitting as this hardcore XXX video gets going. Soon she gets her boss tending to her need for having her rosebud licked, but she gives back in turn with more cock sucking and balls licking. Then she kneels on the couch for doggie style as her boss stuffs her box with his meat and prepares her asshole with his thumb--which PussyKat then licks off! She gives her harried boss the cowgirl anal ride that he needs--and she craves! We get lots of glimpses of her pink pussy and butt gape as this wild girl takes a time-out from the tool. Then she shoves her tits in his face, blows his dick some more, and finally takes his cream pie right on her quim! Looks like her job review rating is going to be XXXcellent!

  • 00:31:46
  • Feb 09, 2015
  • 304


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