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foot licking lesbians petting outdoors with fresh fruit at Analvids

The Hungarian superstar Zafira and the up-and-coming Russian babe Kitana Lure enjoy some outdoor time on the terrace as this new Full HD video and nude pics begin. Their barefeet rest on the wooden slats of the porch as they share a toast, but soon theyre playing with fruits such as bananas and peaches as they mix their lesbian foot fetish fun with healthy eating, French kissing and sensuous petting! Although the fruits dont eaten so much as smushed...Zafira tickles Kitanas size 8.5 soles with a banana, then she both eats part of the banana and sucks on Kitanas toes. Kitana has quite a curvy ass too, which our DDF cameras capture. Then Kitana presses her toes against Zafiras big tits, which also have sexy tanlines. The girls settle in a chair with Kitana straddling Zafira and we get great views of Miss Zs clear-polished size 7.5 feet, which Kitana soon covers with the juice from a peach. Then she sucks off the fruit from Zafiras toes. Zafira gets into the foot sucking herself, l

  • 00:38:30
  • Jul 02, 2015
  • 551


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