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taboo workout - stepmom s thong leotard at Analvids

Hi Im 43yrold Sammi Starfish your favorite real life milf wife and taboo role player In this video my 18yearold step son who is a senior in school gets home from school and comes into the living room to watch television But I am doing my daily workout routine so he is going to have to wait to watch tv So he decides to just hang out and watch me do my workout Except I am wearing nude colored nylons knee high socks athletic shoes and a very skimpy thong leotard brbrHe likes what he sees and comes up with an idea after watching me do lunges and squats in my tiny little thong leotard He tricks me into doing a ton of very embarrassing and revealing exercises so that he can see me bounce my big ass and humiliate myself He tells me that science has come a long way toward learning how to build muscle and reduce bodyfat And that he can help me with my workout with the things that he learned in gym classbrbrAnd I buy into his trick hook line and sinker and do everyth

  • 00:29:39
  • Feb 23, 2024
  • 31


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