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Bambi Wolfe stayed home and went to community college but her best friend went away to University. Little does her friend know that Bambi stayed home so she could continue fucking her friends daddie! Bambi doesn t want to break up his marriage or anything, she just loves how good he fucks her. She likes it hard and she likes feeling like his little fuck toy.Ginger Lea is the kind of girlfriend to let her boyfriend screw her no matter where she happens to be, so spontaneous shower sex is just what she needs to lift her spirits back up to where they where this morning when he woke her up with cunnilingus and a raw fucking before he left for his day of work at the office.It could be seventy years in the past, seventy years in the future or sometime today and it would not matter one bit. Haley Paige is a stunning starlet who simply knows how to fuck. She would be loved in any era because she knows so much about the craft of Eros.

  • 00:53:36
  • Apr 10, 2024
  • 30


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