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the mexican and masculine jason bareback at Analvids

This handsome Mexican gentleman contacted me on Grindr and said he wanted to shoot with me and that I was his all-time favorite pornstar. I ve never had someone so star-struck when they met me and frankly, it was actually really adorable. He actually had to take several breaks because he couldn t believe it was actually happening. Includes kissing, him massaging me, him blowing me, him riding me, fucking him on his back, in doggy, on his stomach, and on his side.

Tags : anal, latin, blowjob, tattoo, hairy, kissing, gay, massage, muscle, dom, bareback, bear, raw, uncut, big-dick, alpha, huge-cock, bwc, jason-collins

  • 00:42:42
  • Jun 19, 2022
  • 10


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