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they are the best employee at selling sex toys and giving bjs at Analvids

Cindy Behr and Paige Ashley work at a sex shop because they love talking about vibrators and dildos all day. The only problem is that they get turned on every time a guy comes into the store to shop! See these two hot blondes in action as they seduce a studly customer right out of his pants and into their mouths. No cum goes to waste in this scene as licks every drop of it off of Paige s tits.Lucy Love, Lily Love, and Bonny Bon are 20 year old devilish little whores with a never ending craving for cock. Luckily for them, their magic spells get them laid by the hottest male subjects they can get. Watch this trio of sluts engaging in their most favorite ritual activities.Jenna Reid and Serena Blair are dark haired lesbos in lingerie and fishnet stockings. Getting off is the main goal with the slutty ladies in black. Jenna bends over and has Serena lick her pussy as she returns the favor by sucking her toes. The ladies finish each other off with foot fucking and orgasmic scissoring as pus

  • 01:13:17
  • May 22, 2024
  • 37


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