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hotties fuck each other with toys at Analvids

Alura Jenson and Alexa Aimes have been friends forever, and it came to their attention that the older lesbian in the neighborhood, Bree Blu, wanted in on their lesbian play time. They decided to give the old blonde lady a chance, and she ate their pussies better than either of them ever could!Samantha Ryan, Adrianna Luna, Ella Milano, Layla Rose, and Karlie Montana star together in a slumber party with spice, in this 16 minute moment of lesbian group sex. The ladies are pretty far along into playtime, when the camera joins them. Everyone is either naked, or - even sexier - wearing thongs. They bend each other over, toss each other to the floor, and go after each others pussies with tongues and toys, pretty much nonstop!A spectacular stacked blonde and lean busty brunette gyrate on the bed in elaborate cartoon character gear. Moving in closer, the blonde licks her pal s juicy twat then sticks her ass in the air to offer it up for a hard toy fucking. Soon both luscious lesbians are stuf

  • 01:16:13
  • Jun 24, 2024
  • 79


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