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We started slowly and kept kissing. I then leaned back, and she was on top of me. Our bare chests were rubbing against each other. We then started fucking hard and she said to me, “Virat, go harder, faster.”
I started fucking my bhabhi at full throttle. She was about to cum after 15 minutes. She reached the pinnacle of her satisfaction and came, but I didn’t. She was orgasming heavily and said, “You are better Virat, so much fucking better.”
Rupali bhabhi then stood up and removed the condom, swiping her fluids from the condom and smearing them all over her nipples. She spat on my cock and sandwiched my dick between her boobs. Then she gave me a 5-minute boobjob, but I still didn’t come.
She then chose to put my dick in her mouth, kissed it carefully, and then began to suck it. After a while, I was going to climax, and as she was taking my dick from her mouth, I couldn’t stop and loaded my cum in her mouth.
That night, I came a lot. Her mouth couldn’t hold it any longer, so

  • 00:05:04
  • Sep 21, 2024
  • 4


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