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smooth penetration at Analvids

Sexy and popular American porn star Janice Griffith makes her DDF debut poolside in a solo premium porn video shot in super high definition 4K high up in the Hollywood Hills of sunny California. The ultra-petite and mega sleek babe teases her pink before going full on deep with her glass dildo in a performance so hot you ll be setting this video on rewind for days to cum! Janice looks stunning in her red transparent bathing suit. The gorgeous brown-haired honey twirls her slim tattooed body for the camera, exposing her natural medium tits. She teases her perky nipples and throws her small curvy ass into the air, displaying her shaved pussy gape and an anal gape you know you want to slip your stiff one into! Her medium skin is glowing in the sunlight as she reaches for her toy and starts masturbating her smooth cunny, moaning with pleasure as her glass dildo slides right in!

  • 00:15:33
  • Sep 26, 2017
  • 404


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