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double dong delight - a huge glass dick does the trick at Analvids

After over a year away, Satin Bloom has been waiting for the right time to come back, and another hardcore lesbian scene with Tracy Lindsay aka Tracy Delicious would be precisely the right one. You ll agree as you see their double dong girl on girl performance today. What could be hotter than these two Czech bombshells in their full body black lace lingerie French kissing, face sitting, titty sucking, pussy and ass licking? Try adding a glass double dong and having the sultry brunette milf and the blonde college cutie work the toy into all their holes, from mouth, to sweet snatch, to puckered asshole. How about simultaneously? It can t possibly get better than that!Well that s the mind blowing, cum bursting scene the glamour babes present to you today. The two horny hotties have no preference when it comes to pussy or anal penetration, except possibly to be able to do it together. They love to have all their holes filled to overflowing, just as your jizz will be too, when you finish your wanking session!

  • 00:45:36
  • Oct 01, 2016
  • 364


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