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hotwife date night 1: brooke blaze and king cobra at Analvids

Date nights for normal couples are always fun, but a hotwife date night with King Cobra is an experience. When I make myself available, hotwives love having the personal time with me outside the bedroom, being able to talk, laugh, tell stories, vent, flirt and discuss secret fantasies. The best part about it is that they know that afterwards, they re going to get what it is they really want and desire, the full effect of King Cobra himself. This sexy, established and very elite hotwife requested some personal time with me and it couldn t have been better. The attraction was instant, we immediately clicked, and our chemistry was in sync. We couldn t keep our hands off each other as we talked, and quickly but smoothly made our way upstairs for some more private time together. That s where the real fun took place, as you ll see for yourself. I enjoyed owning her married pussy as her hubby watched in awe as a real man fucked his wife, and you ll enjoy it too!

  • 00:39:15
  • May 10, 2023
  • 157


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