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brains & brawn at Analvids

So when we were cruising around this week we bumped into a college graduate. He looked a little nerdy in his graduation robes, but who the hell doesn t? We figured he might be pretty interesting, and Jake likes smart straight long as they have a nice, hard cock, of course. Anyway, our college boy, was ready for a graduation party but we got to him first. We fed him our line about making a video for school and convinced him to help out fellow students. Once we got him in the van, Vanessa used her feminine wiles to get his clothes off and a blindfold on. He had no idea what he was getting himself into! Jake got to work immediately, sucking that dick like no other. Our graduate got freaked out when he saw who was giving him that amazing blowjob. He wanted to leave, but you know how persuasive we can be. See how much it takes our college boy to make Jake s day. Aren t you supposed to do all that experimentation when you re IN college?

  • 01:12:27
  • Nov 12, 2009
  • 7


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