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where the fuck s the g spot? - olivia saint at Analvids

Six guys, five girls, four facials, three anals, one double anal, and one hell of a good time! The mythical G spot. It s a woman s most sexually sensitive place and it s located, it s near her, it s up around, damn! The producers at Sin City don t know where it is, and that s why they made this movie. To educate ourselves, to learn just what pushes a woman s buttons the best, and, most of all, how to find the elusive thing! They put a bunch of porn s most overactive sluts to the challenge and asked, no, begged them to show us how it works. So they stripped down to nothing, spread their legs and guided a cock or two up their cooch and stirred it around until, voila! A G spot orgasm! You may still not know where the G spot is exactly after watching this, but it sure is fun trying to learn about it! (HCVS0952)

  • 00:22:27
  • Oct 20, 2024
  • 1

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