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two dicks plus gardening for free at Analvids

Andie Anderson was sunbathing at the pool when she heard the doorbell. Two garden maintenance people were offering their services. They would outbid the competition. Andie invited them in for a quote. Ace Bigs and Dickdealer Don were inspecting the garden but kept getting distracted and were inspecting Andie instead. Those huge tits, that huge ass. Their quote was $1500, they really wanted the job. Andie asked if they could lower the price. They misspoke. They wanted to offer $1000. Andie flashed her tits at them. Could they work with that? The price dropped to 0 immediately and they would also oil her ass for free. The Oiling led to a double blowjob. The blowjob led to fucking. And the fucking led to a cumshot with both guys cuming into her face and mouth.

  • 00:45:27
  • Nov 05, 2024
  • 219

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