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bus where souls collide at Analvids

It was really slow at the beach today, until we saw a smoke show walking. Fabi was so gorgeous and thick, Chubs almost crashed trying to pull up on her. I gave her one hundred dollars just to talk to us. Everyone knows by now what I really wanted. It took a thousand more to get her on the bus to show us those big tits. Another two grand to get her naked. She got an ass that would make a grown man cry. So phat, so soft, I was so jealous about what came next. We had a new guy on the bus Nature or Mogly we called him; who drew the luck card with this dime. I asked her would she let him eat her pussy, and she said only because he is cute. He showed out on that pussy, and now Fabi was wet and horny. She was ready to fuck. Nature played in her throat for bit, before giving her a fucking that rocked the bus. Her pretty face moaning, her phat soft ass recoiling. This might very well be my new favorite. Nature unloads all over her face before we drop her off. I told her I need her number becaus

  • 01:00:18
  • Nov 07, 2024
  • 100

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