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cougar clause 2 at Analvids

Twas the night before Freshmas, and all through the house, all Mrs. Clause wanted was a cock in her mouth. She lay in bed alone, as Santa had laid earlier in his bed. She thought being Mrs.Clause was going to have a ton of perks, she didn t imagine she would have to lay in her own bedroom, alone. She sighed, then saw the wand that Elf AJ had given her earlier, saying that it was a gift from all the elves and that it was magic. She had smiled at him sweetly at the time, not believing one word, but touched that they had thought of her. She picked it up curiously and made a wish. Lo and behold! Not only did she get a dick for her mouth, she got a BIG BLACK DICK , for her mouth and...for her ASS!! Elf Aj magically appeared, ready to make her his Freshmas Ho. He let her suck the fuck out of his dick over and over, deep down her naughty throat. Then he asked if she was naughty enough to take it up her ass, Ho,ho, ho, hell yes!! He fucked Mrs. Clause like the naughty slut she is, pounding her

  • 00:31:08
  • Dec 10, 2024
  • 43

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