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maintenance man at Analvids

Melissa is waiting for her lover, very horny and sexy in the lingerie that he bought for her. Sadly, he calls her and tells her that he can t make it. This has happened before and Melissa is really angry. She loses her shit, forgetting that the discrete maintenance man has been in the room for whole time. She turns around and sees him and is extremely embarrassed. He is very understanding and tells her not to worry about it. He had been so quiet that she didn t pay any attention to him, but face to face hearing his kind words as she looks at him she senses his manliness. She gives him an indecent proposal which he tries to refuse. In the end his BBC finds his way into her ass. He makes her use the N word which takes her over the edge. She becomes his little whore and takes it all in her sweet ass until he explodes on her face!

  • 00:17:41
  • Dec 24, 2024
  • 6

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