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betty buttplug fucking dumb tourist hard and rough at Analvids

Betty is new to Prague and already Betty has gotten herself into a huge mess. Betty has lost her purse and phone in a taxi and Betty has absolutely no idea what she is going to do. Betty smokes because that is the only thing she can do. What will she do? Luckily, Brad is walking along the street and sees how distraught Betty is. Brad offers to help her back at his hotel which is right around the corner. Once Betty and Brad are in the elevator, he notices Betty s necklace. The mere fact that it says Cumslut gives Brad and Betty ideas. Betty is ready for her first taste of cock being in Prague. Betty gets upside down and opens her mouth. Betty loves getting throatfucked like the good slut that Betty is until her face is completely covered in spit. Betty loves Brad s cock so much she sucks it over and over again until it is rock hard in her slutty mouth. Betty wants to get fucked hard against the window so everyone can see why she is a cumslut. Betty gets fucked over and over again cumm

  • 00:36:53
  • May 15, 2025
  • 0

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