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a pincelada do pintor at Analvids

Victor tinha uma casa alugada e com a saída dos inquilinos foi vistoriar o imóvel. Para sua surpresa as paredes estavam muito destruídas. Chamou então Reco para pedir uma pintura com urgência. O que Victor não imaginava era o tamanho do pincel que o pintor tinha. Não teve jeito: Victor sentiu lá no fundo a pincelada do pintor.

The Painter s Brushstroke

Victor had a rented house and when the tenants left he went to inspect the property. To his surprise, the walls were badly destroyed. He then called Reco to urgently request a painting. What Victor didn t imagine was the size of the brush the painter had. There was no way: Victor felt the painter s brushstroke deep down.

  • 00:28:51
  • Jan 25, 2025
  • 13

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