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we love em married and horny at Analvids

When I say my boy and I love us some slutty hot wives, I mean that in the most enduring of ways. We are some male whores, and when we find a woman that will let her freak flag fly, we instantly want to bury our dicks in any hole she’s offering up, and Hollyhotwife was ready to get down and dirty the first night we met at a content event in Tulsa we attended. She deep throated our dicks, got them nice and sloppy, and we licked up and down her pretty asshole, and she didn’t hesitate to bend my boy over and eat his ass as well. Our grand finale was giving her a DVP, and you’ll be able to tell from her facial expressions she was enjoying every bit of it. Ended the night with blowing two loads on her face. I slept amazingly that night.

  • 00:18:21
  • Jan 28, 2025
  • 44

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