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cum in mouth on public beach at Analvids

Not long ago, I was sunbathing on a public beach on the island of Crete. But there were few people there and I wanted to misbehave...As you may have guessed, I was sunbathing naked) So I spread my legs and began to masturbate and cum)) Then I called the guy and started giving him a blowjob and licking his balls. He got excited and shoved his dick all the way down my deep throat! I experienced a powerful orgasm from deep throating and lay down with no strength! But, as you know, I love it when men cum in my mouth and hot sperm flows down my tongue;-) So I asked the guy to jerk off and drain the sperm into my mouth) But he missed a little and most of his sperm landed on my face))) Do you like cum on my face??

  • 00:07:50
  • Feb 01, 2025
  • 11

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