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cleaning until the ass gapes at Analvids

Emily Pink came to clean Yanick Shaft’s apartment. She was from Colombia. She was only cleaning to make more money. What a coincidence. Yanick had a lot of money. He showed a stack to Emily and asked if she would be willing to clean in underwear. Emily was a good girl. Of course she was upset and said no. She kept cleaning. And Yanick kept insisting. Persistence catches the worm. So she grabbed the cash and stripped down to her underwear. She kept cleaning. Yanick kept waving cash at her until she dropped her bra. Then the panties. While she was cleaning the living room she looked behind her and there was Yanick, with little Yanick in his hand, looking quite big. He offered even more cash if he could fuck her in the ass. Well, he did! He fucked her ass until she gaped.

  • 00:48:36
  • Jul 27, 2023
  • 1420


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