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gawk at these gapes at Analvids

Alysa is in quite an amazing mood today. First she teases us in her skimpy outfit, and especially with her thong which barely covers the crack of her alluring bottom. Then this wild girl moves into the next phase of her performance in this startling anal porn shocker, as she preps her posterior with huge dildos--first squatting on a black one, then cramming herself with a pink one, and then showing us the extent of her gape. But she’s only getting warmed up, as she thrusts a humongous glass shaft into her ass, producing an even bigger gape which she pulls apart like other girls pull apart their pussies; and then, to top off this intense hardcore XXX video of extreme sex--because what is stretching your asshole like a pussy if not an extreme sex practice?--Alysa takes the enormous tool of Ian Scott first into her face (to get it wet and ready) and then right into her asshole in some of the most incredible anal penetration closeups, and resulting gapes, ever produced by DDF Productions. You’ll gawk at these gapes--you gotta see ‘em to believe ‘em!!

  • 00:31:08
  • Mar 24, 2014
  • 408


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