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blue stiletto seductress at Analvids

Lynna Nilsson is out to mesmerize Markus Dupree with her pretty in this Full HD foot fetish thriller! Dressed in striking blue from dress to high heels that all match the color of her eyes, she quickly gets Markus kneeling to kiss her thighs and lap at her toes and insteps in the strappy stilettos. He eats her pussy and licks at her heels, but then her own overwhelming need to take his tool into her mouth shifts us into a hot hardcore coupling too.
The striking Swedish blonde strokes his cock with her shoes, then kneels over doggie style to take his tool in her pussy. Throughout this fetish XXX video, we see her feet close up: almost as if we are the third person in the scene, the foot lover drooling over her slender size nines with red toenail polish. When her big and second toe embrace the head of Markuss cock, we can almost feel her doing that to our dicks too.
Fucking Lynna, Markus takes her toes into his mouth. Then they lay back naked so she can footjob him while playing

  • 00:48:25
  • Mar 13, 2015
  • 486


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