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pantyhose passion break at Analvids

Stress runs high when you work in a clinic, but doctors and nurses know how to relieve tensions. Case in point, Dr. Ian Scott and Nurse Foxy Di, who get together for a frisky pantyhose passion break wherein they can indulge their mutual pleasure in her feet and his shaft! The doc no sooner takes off Di’s bright red open toe high heels than he’s sucking on her red-polished size 6.5 toes, tightly encased in the nylons. And Di quickly gets her soles wrapped around his shaft, and rubs it against the crotch panel of her pantyhose. She takes his inches in her mouth, and then he reciprocates by cramming his face into her butt crack, feeling the heat through her pantyhose. They get in lots of oral loving, and then Dr. Scott pulls down her hosiery so that he can boff her from behind while she lays on her tummy on the examining table. But the doc needs those pretty feet, and so Di straddles his shaft instead, riding his rod while sticking her toes into his lips. Wait till you see the big load she gets out of him all over her soles! She can barely lick it all up!

  • 00:25:58
  • May 09, 2014
  • 569


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