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beauty and the booties! at Analvids

Teena Lipoldino returns to dazzle us with her long legs in white high heel booties. Oh, shes wearing some other stuff as well on her amazonian 511 Russian frame--a white miniskirt, lacy white and gray bra, and a colorful jean jacket. She quickly doffs the jacket so we can see her sexy shoulders, then she sits down in the red egg chair and undoes the laces on her heels. Slowly sliding her feet out of the shoes, she gives the booties some good sniffs, and a couple of licks, and then shows off her size 7.5 bare feet.Teena peels out of her skirt and shows us her lovely butt, standing on her tiptoes at the same time. Then Denys DeFrancesco and his camera crews come in close to capture her red polished toes as Teena rests them on the floor or lifts them up to her lips for some solo worship. Peeling down her panties, she towers over us and reveals her naked pussy, then sits back in the chair and gives us pinup-style poses and thrusts her high-arched soles toward our hungry tongues. Finall

  • 00:20:41
  • May 09, 2012
  • 273


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