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girls just wanna get shoe-fucked! at Analvids

Juliana Grandi and little blonde Alin X get together for a foot festival that includes the inventive use of a spiky-toed high heel for a sex toy! Juliana wears footless patterned leggings and Alin patterned black knee highs as they writhe around on a bed kissing and fondling each other, licking pussy and savoring their heels. Juliana quickly starts sucking on one of Alin’s shoes in a big way, but then that gets put to the side while Alin sucks on Juliana’s pretty red-polished toes, taking a lot in her mouth. Juliana takes off one of Alin’s shoes and, after licking her pussy and sucking on her friend’s feet through those knee highs, she then uses the shoe as a dildo, cramming the pointy toe into the blonde’s snatch.Juliana seems really happy to be fucking her companion this way, looking over at us with a naughty gleam in her eyes as she jams the shoe in Alin’s hole and then takes it out to lick it clean. When they’re finished with that, Alin straddles Juliana and hooks the brunette’s leggings under her thumbs and tugs them down her bottom. Juliana sticks her feet toward the camera, then Alin lays down on the bed again to worship her friend, starting with the ankles and moving down to the toes. Then it’s Juliana’s turn to be penetrated by one of those shoes--except she gets it in the asshole! Afterward, Alin pulls apart Juliana’s cheeks to display the impressive gape that was left by the invasion of the shoe! This pictorial has so much action, you better see it for yourself pronto! You won t want to miss the great closeups of Juliana s flexing toes in the foreground while she gets shoe-fucked in the background!!

  • 00:29:29
  • Mar 15, 2009
  • 395


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