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classic of the extreme at Analvids

At her tender age of eighteen, newcomer Meg Magic shows that she is very precocious when it comes to indulging and exploring the kinds of wild practices the master erotica photographers at DDF Productions like to record for posterity in our House of Taboo scenes. Get ready for an incredible experience in the bizarre as Meg, all on her own, opens her smile and keeps it wide with a metal spreader; slides most of her fist into her mouth; whips herself with a black flogger and then fucks herself with the handle; lays down on the floor with her feet against the wall so that she can pee on herself; and then attaches metal clothespins to her nipples, torso, shaved pussy lips, tongue, and even her eyebrows--and fucks her asshole with the whip handle at the same time. Truly a classic of extreme sex that will emblazon itself on your memory once you watch her fetish XXX video.

  • 00:22:47
  • Jan 17, 2014
  • 223


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