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kneel before the healer at Analvids

We bet you didn’t know advances in medical technology don’t only happen in Nobel Prize-winning labs, but also in the examining rooms of DDF Genital Hospital. Yes indeed, observe as Dr. Franco Roccaforte tries out his “electrovaginogram” machine on Bonnie Rose, then concludes she is healthy enough for him to throw out his medical ethics, dispense with the procedures, and get right down to having his pretty patient take his ginormous organ into her mouth! Naked except for her corset, this blue-eyed beauty kneels before the healer to have her face stretched by his almost obscene girth, then gets back on the table to have her pussy plowed by his meat while she works a buzzy vibrator over her clit. But Dr. Roccaforte has some more instruments at his disposal, and soon he’s probing her posterior for a possible invasion from that tempting angle. Into her caboose goes his cork while this wild girl continues to bang herself with the vibrator before receiving her creamy medicine in the gooey climax of this hardcore XXX video!

  • 00:30:22
  • Jan 17, 2014
  • 206


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