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ebony and ivory and plenty of pink! at Analvids

You will be mesmerized today with the hot combination and contrast of Jessyca Wilson’s milky skin and Katia Dé Lys’s dark Cuban skin. These two don’t waste any time and start their erotic lesbian set right off with them naked in the garden showering off in a wooden tub. As the water cascades down their bodies, they kiss each other sensually on their mouths and tits. The wind blowing keeps their nipples standing at attention and easily rubbable and suckable. Good thing, since Katia has got some long manicured nails that look great grabbing and pinching them! They take turns fingering and licking each other’s beautifully shaved pussies, with their moans meanwhile like music to your ears. The French know just how to worship the derriere, and if there is any to worship that would be Katia’s, and Jessyca does just that, spreading her amazing cheeks apart to give her a good asslicking. Be sure to turn up your speakers so you can hear the wonderful sounds of the two as they work each other up to loud moaning and groaning orgasms!

  • 00:11:58
  • Mar 30, 2012
  • 208


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