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gina s snug attractions! at Analvids

One of our members, Araltes, notes of Gina in a comment, “I love your big brown eyes.” And he hits the nail on the head, because it’s not only her firm twenty-one year old Russian body that grabs us all, but those innocent, velvety brown eyes that look so deeply at us like today as she pulls aside her pink bikini with red-white-and-blue hearts, and shows us her tight shaver, ready for pleasure! We get a nice friendly striptease from Gina, which shows that although she’s slender, she’s packed with curves, especially from her narrow waist down to her lovely round little butt. She spreads her cheeks as our DDF cameras come in close, and she shows us all the snug attractions. She kneels on the sofa in doggie style, then flips around on her back, pulls off her panties and spreads her bare soles even as she gives her underwear a naughty whiff or two. Once she takes off her top and lets us feast our eyes on her adorable 32AA titties, we’re almost ready to explode as she moves around the sofa, posing her long legs and giving us more of those lovely brown-eyed smiles! And you’ll really dig the shots when she’s upside down and showing off her peachy pussy in super closeups.

  • 00:18:20
  • Mar 13, 2013
  • 291


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