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getting comfy as she plays! at Analvids

Kristall Rush looks as if she’s ready to attend a college prom in her long gown. But no, she’s got a surprise for us--we’re her dates tonight, all of us, in this sexy slice of glamour porn, as she lifts up her skirt to show us her leopard print panties, her 34A braless boobies, and her lush-lipped veegee.Our DDF cameraman comes in tight as Kristall lowers her thong to let us study her pussy and asshole, perched on her long legs made to seem longer by her deep purple high heels.This Russian babe does seem a bit shy and unsure of herself at first, judging by her expressions in these nude pics and erotic video, but when she takes out a humongous orange vibrator, she has something additional to focus her attention on besides pleasing us, which seems to put her more at ease. She laps the toy, rubs it on her hard button-like nipples, and then slides it down into her box.She takes it deep. It looks like a rocketship sticking out of her pie, when she lifts up her legs in the air to show us her stuffed crotch.Yes, the dildo loosens up Kristall, and soon she’s gasping out her orgasm as she kneels in the doggie style position on an elegant love seat!

  • 00:18:21
  • Apr 11, 2013
  • 157


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