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more then she bargained for [pt 2] at Analvids

Continuing housemaid Ivana Sugar’s kinky adventure from last week...after handcuffing herself to his bed and falling asleep with a buttplug, Ivana is discovered by her boss Mugur! He is not really angry but more amused and tantalized by her behavior. Immediately he starts spanking her, which wakes her up...oh dear, thinks Ivana, will I lose my job? I really need the paycheck...but no worries, because Mugur appreciates all-around household talent when he finds it! A maid who understands that sometimes she has to be spanked for her negligent service is a maid worth holding onto...and SPANKING! Up and down his chastising hand comes smacking onto her cheeks. Then Mugur has her get naked except for her stockings and heels. “It’s time for some over-the-knee correction, my dear!” “Yes, Master Mugur,” says Ivana, laying across his lap and feeling his trousered boner pressing against her nude pussy mound as he warms her fanny with his fierce hand. Realizing that she’s enjoying the feeling of his stiff rod in his pants, he then gets her off his lap and spanks her standing up. Yes, these naughty cheeks need correction! The sensation of her full-bottomed butt quivering and reddening under his smacks is a satisfying one to Mugur...and to Ivana, who tries to pretend she’s not getting wet between her legs, but most assuredly is! What will Mugur do to her now? Don’t miss Part 3 next week to find out!

  • 00:09:00
  • Jul 06, 2012
  • 198


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