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shemale nurse bruna castro treats her patient with a bareback ass fuck dt391 at Analvids

Bruna’s a gorgeous Brazilian transsexual bombshell with long raven hair and a killer body. She’s playing a naughty nurse who’s making a house call on a sick little pervert whom she believes is in desperate need of having his mouth and asshole fucked. She begins fucking his mouth and then his asshole with a huge dildo while pinning his arms behind his back. She’s totally dominates him and is soon replacing the dildo with her rock hard beef stick, which she barbarically fucks his face with. She seems to relish firmly holding his head as she shoves every inch of her stony shaft down his throat balls-deep as she throat fucks him. She then lays him on his side, brutishly pounding her prodigious prick into him like a jack hammer as he whimpers and moans in slavish adoration. Watching the sculptured muscles of her firm round ass flex as she drills her meat saber into him is a jaw-dropping sight to behold. Laying him flat on his stomach, she fiercely plows her beefy battering ram into him with

  • 00:33:14
  • Sep 18, 2023
  • 169


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