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sweet crotch & gorgeous tits! at Analvids

Curvy Antonia is back for her ninth appearance on our site as she poses for us in a bedroom in a cute reddish minidress that sexily displays her long tan legs. Lifting up the hem, she lets us feast on the shape of her butt, bisected by her lacy black thong; but even better is coming when she takes out her mouthwatering 34C tits, hanging them over the front of her dress as she leans back to play with her pink snatch. We can see that her pussy mound is pierced too! Getting out a purple double-dong, Antonia lubes it up with her mouth, while her gorgeous boobs exercise a charismatic fascination over every shot they can be seen in. Damn, they look so firm and suckable!! Some of the prettiest knockers we ve seen lately. Meanwhile, Antonia stuffs her quim with her toy, first in her snatch as the extra dong rubs against her clit; but then, after she takes off her dress completely, our Hungarian honey slides the two prongs of the dong into her pussy and ass simultaneously, and then gets on her hands and knees in the doggie mode to show off her feat. At the end, after the toy has done its orgasmic work on her crotch, she then poses for us more in the pinup style, with some great peekaboo teasing with those nipples! Your mams are much appreciated, Antonia! :)

  • 00:15:30
  • Aug 28, 2012
  • 264


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